Best Group Fitness Challenges for Team Motivation


What Are Group Fitness Challenges?

Group fitness challenges are organized activities where individuals participate in fitness-related tasks as a team. These challenges are designed to promote physical activity, boost morale, and foster a sense of camaraderie among participants. Unlike individual fitness goals, group challenges focus on collective participation, encouraging team members to support and motivate each other.

These challenges can vary widely in scope and intensity, ranging from simple daily step counts to complex, multi-week workout regimens. The key element that defines group fitness challenges is the shared goal, which binds participants together and promotes teamwork.

Importance of Group Fitness in Team Motivation

Team motivation is a crucial factor in any organization’s success. Group fitness challenges can play a significant role in enhancing team motivation by creating a shared experience that everyone can engage in. When team members work together to achieve a common goal, they build stronger relationships, increase trust, and improve communication—all of which contribute to a more motivated and cohesive team.

The physical activity involved in these challenges also has direct benefits for mental and emotional well-being, which further boosts team motivation. Regular exercise is known to reduce stress, increase energy levels, and improve overall mood. When these benefits are experienced collectively, the positive impact on team motivation is even greater.

The Psychology Behind Fitness Challenges and Team Building

The psychological principles underlying fitness challenges and team building are rooted in social psychology and group dynamics. One of the key concepts is the idea of social facilitation, where individuals perform better when they are part of a group. The presence of others can enhance motivation and accountability, leading to improved performance.

Another important concept is the idea of a “challenge mindset.” When individuals perceive a task as a challenge rather than a threat, they are more likely to approach it with enthusiasm and determination. Group fitness challenges leverage this mindset by framing physical activity as a positive, shared experience that brings the team together.

Additionally, fitness challenges often involve goal setting, which is a powerful motivator. When team members set and work toward common goals, they experience a sense of accomplishment that boosts their confidence and strengthens their commitment to the team.

Benefits of Group Fitness Challenges for Corporate Teams

Group fitness challenges offer numerous benefits for corporate teams, including:

  • Improved Health and Wellbeing: Regular physical activity helps reduce the risk of chronic diseases, improves mental health, and increases overall energy levels.
  • Enhanced Team Collaboration: Working together on fitness challenges fosters communication, trust, and cooperation among team members.
  • Increased Productivity: Healthier, more motivated employees are often more productive and engaged in their work.
  • Stronger Organizational Culture: Group fitness challenges contribute to a positive workplace culture by promoting shared values of health, well-being, and teamwork.
  • Employee Retention and Satisfaction: Offering wellness programs, including fitness challenges, can improve employee satisfaction and reduce turnover rates.

Types of Group Fitness Challenges

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Physical Fitness Challenges

Cardio-Based Challenges

Cardio-based challenges focus on activities that raise the heart rate and improve cardiovascular endurance. These challenges are ideal for teams looking to increase their overall fitness levels through aerobic exercises. Examples of cardio-based challenges include:

  • Step Challenges: Participants aim to achieve a certain number of steps each day, tracked via pedometers or fitness apps.
  • Running or Walking Competitions: Teams compete to see who can cover the most distance over a set period, either individually or collectively.
  • Cycling Challenges: Team members cycle a certain distance, with the goal of reaching a cumulative total by the end of the challenge.

Cardio challenges are highly effective for improving cardiovascular health, increasing stamina, and burning calories. They can be easily adapted to different fitness levels, making them accessible to all team members.

Strength Training Challenges

Strength training challenges focus on building muscle and improving physical strength. These challenges can include activities like weightlifting, bodyweight exercises, and resistance training. Examples of strength training challenges include:

  • Push-Up Challenges: Participants aim to complete a certain number of push-ups each day, with variations for different fitness levels.
  • Weightlifting Competitions: Teams track the total weight lifted over a set period, either individually or as a group.
  • Bodyweight Circuits: Participants complete circuits of bodyweight exercises (e.g., squats, lunges, planks) to build strength and endurance.

Strength training challenges are excellent for improving muscle tone, increasing metabolism, and enhancing overall physical fitness. These challenges can be customized to suit the varying strength levels of team members.

Flexibility and Mobility Challenges

Flexibility and mobility challenges focus on improving range of motion, reducing muscle stiffness, and enhancing overall physical flexibility. These challenges often include activities like stretching, yoga, and Pilates. Examples of flexibility and mobility challenges include:

  • Daily Stretching Routines: Participants follow a guided stretching routine each day to improve flexibility and prevent injury.
  • Yoga Challenges: Teams engage in daily or weekly yoga sessions, focusing on different aspects of flexibility and mindfulness.
  • Mobility Workouts: Participants perform exercises that enhance joint mobility and reduce the risk of injury during other physical activities.

Flexibility and mobility challenges are crucial for maintaining overall physical health and preventing injuries. They are particularly beneficial for teams with varying fitness levels, as they can be easily modified to suit individual needs.

Mental and Emotional Wellness Challenges

Mindfulness and Meditation Challenges

Mindfulness and meditation challenges focus on improving mental clarity, reducing stress, and enhancing emotional well-being. These challenges typically involve daily mindfulness practices, guided meditations, and breathing exercises. Examples of mindfulness and meditation challenges include:

  • Daily Meditation Sessions: Participants engage in guided meditation sessions each day, focusing on different aspects of mindfulness.
  • Mindful Breathing Exercises: Teams practice mindful breathing techniques to reduce stress and increase focus.
  • Gratitude Journaling: Participants maintain a daily gratitude journal, reflecting on positive aspects of their lives and work.

Mindfulness and meditation challenges are highly effective for reducing stress, improving focus, and enhancing emotional well-being. These challenges can be easily integrated into the workday, making them accessible to all team members.

Mental Toughness Challenges

Mental toughness challenges focus on building resilience, improving focus, and enhancing overall mental strength. These challenges often involve activities that push participants out of their comfort zones and encourage them to develop a growth mindset. Examples of mental toughness challenges include:

  • Cold Exposure Challenges: Participants gradually increase their exposure to cold temperatures, such as cold showers or ice baths, to build mental toughness.
  • Endurance Challenges: Teams engage in physically demanding activities that require mental perseverance, such as long-distance running or hiking.
  • Goal-Setting Challenges: Participants set and work toward challenging personal or professional goals, building mental resilience in the process.

Mental toughness challenges are excellent for developing resilience, improving focus, and enhancing overall mental strength. These challenges can be tailored to suit the individual needs and goals of team members.

Stress Management Challenges

Stress management challenges focus on reducing stress and promoting relaxation. These challenges often involve activities like deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and stress-relief exercises. Examples of stress management challenges include:

  • Progressive Muscle Relaxation: Participants practice progressive muscle relaxation techniques to reduce stress and tension in the body.
  • Guided Relaxation Sessions: Teams engage in guided relaxation sessions, focusing on different aspects of stress relief and relaxation.
  • Stress-Relief Challenges: Participants identify and implement strategies for reducing stress in their daily lives, such as time management techniques or mindfulness practices.

Stress management challenges are essential for maintaining overall mental and emotional well-being. These challenges can be easily integrated into the workday, making them accessible to all team members.

Hybrid Challenges

Combination of Physical and Mental Fitness

Hybrid challenges combine elements of both physical and mental fitness, providing a comprehensive approach to team well-being. These challenges often include a mix of physical activities, mindfulness practices, and mental toughness exercises. Examples of hybrid challenges include:

  • Mindful Movement Challenges: Participants engage in activities that combine physical movement with mindfulness practices, such as yoga or Tai Chi.
  • Holistic Wellness Programs: Teams participate in comprehensive wellness programs that include physical fitness, mental health, and emotional well-being components.
  • Adventure Challenges: Participants engage in outdoor activities that challenge both physical and mental fitness, such as hiking, rock climbing, or obstacle courses.

Hybrid challenges are highly effective for promoting overall well-being and team cohesion. These challenges can be customized to suit the varying fitness levels and goals of team members.

Virtual Fitness Challenges

Virtual fitness challenges are designed for teams that are working remotely or in different locations. These challenges often involve online platforms and apps that track participants’ progress and facilitate communication and competition. Examples of virtual fitness challenges include:

  • Virtual Step Challenges: Participants track their daily steps using fitness apps, with progress shared online in real-time.
  • Online Group Workouts: Teams participate in live or recorded workout sessions, either together or individually, from their respective locations.
  • Remote Fitness Competitions: Participants compete in various fitness challenges, such as running, cycling, or weightlifting, with results tracked and shared online.

Virtual fitness challenges are ideal for remote teams or organizations with employees in different locations. These challenges leverage technology to facilitate engagement and communication, ensuring that all team members can participate regardless of their location.

Competitive vs. Cooperative Challenges

Fitness challenges can be designed as either competitive or cooperative, depending on the goals and preferences of the team. Competitive challenges involve participants competing against each other to achieve the best results, while cooperative challenges focus on working together to achieve a common goal. Examples of competitive and cooperative challenges include:

  • Competitive Challenges: Participants compete to achieve the highest number of steps, lift the most weight, or complete the most workouts. These challenges are ideal for teams that thrive on friendly competition and individual achievement.
  • Cooperative Challenges: Teams work together to achieve a collective goal, such as reaching a cumulative step count or completing a group workout program. These challenges are ideal for teams that value collaboration and mutual support.

Both competitive and cooperative challenges have their own unique benefits, and the choice between the two will depend on the team’s goals and dynamics.

Setting Up a Group Fitness Challenge

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Identifying the Goals and Objectives

The first step in setting up a group fitness challenge is identifying the goals and objectives. This involves understanding the needs and preferences of the team, as well as the desired outcomes of the challenge. Key considerations include:

  • Team Fitness Levels: Assess the current fitness levels of the team to determine the appropriate level of difficulty for the challenge.
  • Team Motivation: Understand what motivates the team and what types of challenges they are likely to engage with.
  • Desired Outcomes: Define the specific outcomes you want to achieve, such as improved fitness, enhanced team collaboration, or reduced stress.
  • Timeline: Determine the appropriate timeline for the challenge, considering factors such as the availability of team members and the time required to achieve the desired outcomes.

By clearly defining the goals and objectives, you can create a fitness challenge that is tailored to the needs of your team and more likely to achieve the desired results.

Selecting the Right Challenge for Your Team

Once the goals and objectives have been identified, the next step is selecting the right challenge for your team. This involves choosing a challenge that aligns with the team’s fitness levels, preferences, and goals. Key considerations include:

  • Type of Challenge: Decide whether to focus on physical fitness, mental wellness, or a combination of both. Consider the team’s interests and the specific outcomes you want to achieve.
  • Level of Difficulty: Choose a challenge that is appropriately challenging for the team, but not so difficult that it becomes discouraging.
  • Duration: Select a challenge with a timeline that fits the team’s availability and the desired outcomes. Shorter challenges may be more engaging, while longer challenges may provide more significant results.
  • Format: Decide whether the challenge will be competitive or cooperative, and whether it will be conducted in person or virtually.

By selecting a challenge that is well-suited to your team’s needs and preferences, you can increase the likelihood of participation and success.

Creating a Balanced Fitness Challenge Program

A balanced fitness challenge program includes a variety of activities that target different aspects of fitness and well-being. This ensures that the challenge is engaging and provides comprehensive benefits for the team. Key considerations for creating a balanced program include:

  • Variety of Activities: Include a mix of cardio, strength, flexibility, and mental wellness activities to ensure that all aspects of fitness are addressed.
  • Progression: Design the challenge so that it gradually increases in difficulty over time, allowing participants to build their fitness levels and confidence.
  • Rest and Recovery: Incorporate rest days and recovery activities to prevent burnout and reduce the risk of injury.
  • Customization: Allow for flexibility in the program so that participants can adjust the activities to suit their individual fitness levels and preferences.

By creating a balanced fitness challenge program, you can ensure that the challenge is both effective and enjoyable for all participants.

Tools and Platforms for Managing Group Fitness Challenges

Managing a group fitness challenge requires the right tools and platforms to track progress, facilitate communication, and engage participants. Key considerations for selecting tools and platforms include:

  • Fitness Apps: Choose a fitness app that allows participants to track their progress, set goals, and connect with teammates. Popular options include Fitbit, Strava, and MyFitnessPal.
  • Communication Platforms: Use communication platforms like Slack, Microsoft Teams, or Zoom to keep participants informed and engaged throughout the challenge.
  • Leaderboards and Progress Tracking: Consider using platforms that offer leaderboards and progress tracking to encourage friendly competition and motivate participants.
  • Incentives and Rewards: Use tools that allow you to track and reward participation, such as gift cards, wellness incentives, or recognition in team meetings.

By using the right tools and platforms, you can effectively manage the group fitness challenge and ensure that participants stay engaged and motivated.

Designing Effective Group Fitness Challenges

Customizing Challenges for Different Fitness Levels

One of the key factors in designing an effective group fitness challenge is ensuring that it is accessible to participants of all fitness levels. This involves customizing the challenge so that it is challenging yet achievable for everyone. Key considerations include:

  • Scalable Activities: Choose activities that can be scaled up or down in intensity, allowing participants to adjust the challenge to their fitness level. For example, a push-up challenge can be modified to include knee push-ups or wall push-ups for beginners.
  • Alternative Options: Provide alternative activities for participants who may have physical limitations or injuries. For example, participants with knee issues might opt for swimming instead of running.
  • Support and Encouragement: Foster a supportive environment where participants feel comfortable adjusting the challenge to suit their needs. Encourage team members to support and motivate each other, regardless of fitness level.

By customizing challenges for different fitness levels, you can ensure that all participants feel included and motivated to participate.

Incorporating Team Roles and Responsibilities

Incorporating team roles and responsibilities into the fitness challenge can enhance engagement and foster a sense of ownership among participants. Key considerations include:

  • Team Leaders: Appoint team leaders who are responsible for organizing activities, tracking progress, and motivating team members. These leaders can play a crucial role in maintaining momentum and ensuring that everyone stays on track.
  • Buddy Systems: Pair participants with a “fitness buddy” who provides support, encouragement, and accountability throughout the challenge. This can help build stronger relationships and increase motivation.
  • Rotating Responsibilities: Consider rotating roles and responsibilities so that all participants have the opportunity to lead and contribute to the challenge. This can help keep the challenge fresh and engaging for everyone.

By incorporating team roles and responsibilities, you can create a more engaging and collaborative fitness challenge.

Utilizing Technology and Apps for Engagement

Technology and apps can play a crucial role in enhancing engagement and tracking progress in group fitness challenges. Key considerations include:

  • Fitness Trackers: Encourage participants to use fitness trackers or apps to monitor their progress, set goals, and stay motivated. Popular options include Fitbit, Apple Watch, and Garmin.
  • Virtual Leaderboards: Use virtual leaderboards to track progress and encourage friendly competition among participants. Leaderboards can be shared via apps, email, or communication platforms like Slack.
  • Gamification: Consider incorporating gamification elements, such as badges, points, or challenges, to increase engagement and motivation. Many fitness apps offer built-in gamification features that can be customized for your challenge.
  • Social Media Integration: Encourage participants to share their progress on social media, either through a dedicated hashtag or within a private group. This can help build a sense of community and increase accountability.

By utilizing technology and apps, you can enhance engagement and ensure that participants stay motivated throughout the challenge.

Setting Realistic Timeframes and Goals

Setting realistic timeframes and goals is essential for the success of a group fitness challenge. This involves balancing the challenge’s difficulty with the team’s availability and fitness levels. Key considerations include:

  • Time Commitment: Ensure that the challenge’s time commitment is reasonable and fits within the team’s schedule. Consider the team’s workload, personal commitments, and availability when setting the challenge’s duration.
  • Achievable Goals: Set goals that are challenging yet achievable for participants. Consider using SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals to ensure that the challenge is well-structured and attainable.
  • Milestones: Break the challenge down into smaller milestones or checkpoints, allowing participants to track their progress and celebrate their achievements along the way.
  • Flexibility: Allow for flexibility in the challenge’s timeline and goals, so that participants can adjust their pace or take breaks as needed.

By setting realistic timeframes and goals, you can ensure that the challenge is both effective and sustainable for participants.

Examples of Successful Group Fitness Challenges

Corporate Fitness Challenges

30-Day Step Challenge

The 30-Day Step Challenge is a popular corporate fitness challenge that encourages participants to increase their daily step count over the course of a month. Participants track their steps using fitness apps or pedometers, with the goal of reaching a cumulative step count by the end of the challenge.

  • How It Works: Participants set a daily step goal (e.g., 10,000 steps) and track their progress throughout the month. The challenge can be competitive, with participants competing to achieve the highest step count, or cooperative, with teams working together to reach a collective goal.
  • Benefits: The 30-Day Step Challenge is easy to implement, accessible to participants of all fitness levels, and encourages regular physical activity. It can also be adapted for remote teams by using virtual tracking tools.
  • Success Tips: Encourage participants to take walking meetings, use stairs instead of elevators, and incorporate more physical activity into their daily routines. Provide incentives for reaching milestones, such as gift cards or wellness rewards.

The 30-Day Step Challenge is a simple yet effective way to promote physical activity and team engagement in the workplace.

Weekly Workout Bingo

Weekly Workout Bingo is a fun and engaging fitness challenge that combines physical activity with a game of bingo. Participants complete various workouts to fill in their bingo cards, with the goal of achieving a “bingo” by the end of the week.

  • How It Works: Each participant receives a bingo card with different workout activities in each square (e.g., 10 push-ups, 15-minute walk, 20 squats). Participants complete the activities and mark off the corresponding squares. The first participant to achieve a bingo (a complete row, column, or diagonal) wins a prize.
  • Benefits: Weekly Workout Bingo adds an element of fun and competition to the fitness challenge, making it more engaging for participants. It also encourages participants to try a variety of different exercises, promoting overall fitness.
  • Success Tips: Customize the bingo cards to include activities that suit the team’s fitness levels and preferences. Consider offering different levels of difficulty (e.g., beginner, intermediate, advanced) to accommodate all participants.

Weekly Workout Bingo is a creative and interactive way to promote fitness and team engagement in the workplace.

Team-Based Running or Walking Competitions

Team-based running or walking competitions are group fitness challenges where participants work together to cover a certain distance or achieve a specific goal. These competitions can be held over a set period, such as a week or month, and can be customized to suit the team’s fitness levels.

  • How It Works: Teams of participants compete to see who can cover the most distance over a set period. The competition can be structured as a relay race, with each team member contributing to the total distance, or as a cumulative challenge, where the team’s total distance is tracked.
  • Benefits: Team-based running or walking competitions promote physical activity, teamwork, and friendly competition. They can also be adapted for remote teams by using virtual tracking tools.
  • Success Tips: Encourage team members to support and motivate each other throughout the competition. Provide regular updates on the team’s progress and celebrate achievements along the way.

Team-based running or walking competitions are a great way to promote fitness and team collaboration in the workplace.

Fitness Challenges for Remote Teams

Virtual Step Challenges

Virtual step challenges are group fitness challenges designed for remote teams. Participants track their daily steps using fitness apps or pedometers, with progress shared online in real-time. The goal is to encourage regular physical activity and foster a sense of connection among remote team members.

  • How It Works: Participants track their steps using fitness apps like Fitbit, Google Fit, or Apple Health. The challenge can be structured as a competitive or cooperative activity, with participants either competing to achieve the highest step count or working together to reach a collective goal.
  • Benefits: Virtual step challenges are accessible to all team members, regardless of location. They encourage regular physical activity and provide a platform for team members to connect and engage with each other.
  • Success Tips: Use virtual leaderboards to track progress and encourage friendly competition. Consider offering incentives or rewards for reaching milestones, such as wellness gift cards or recognition in team meetings.

Virtual step challenges are an effective way to promote fitness and team engagement among remote teams.

Online Group Workouts

Online group workouts are fitness challenges where participants engage in live or recorded workout sessions, either together or individually, from their respective locations. These workouts can include activities like yoga, HIIT, or strength training and can be customized to suit the team’s fitness levels.

  • How It Works: Participants join live or recorded workout sessions via video conferencing platforms like Zoom or Teams. The workouts can be led by a professional instructor or a team member, and can be tailored to the team’s preferences and fitness levels.
  • Benefits: Online group workouts provide a structured and social way for remote teams to stay active. They also offer an opportunity for team members to connect and engage with each other in a non-work setting.
  • Success Tips: Schedule workouts at convenient times for all participants, considering time zone differences. Encourage team members to share their workout experiences and progress with each other.

Online group workouts are a great way to promote fitness and team engagement among remote teams.

Social Media Fitness Campaigns

Social media fitness campaigns are challenges where participants share their fitness progress and achievements on social media platforms. These campaigns can include activities like daily workouts, fitness tips, or progress photos, and can be customized to suit the team’s preferences and goals.

  • How It Works: Participants use a dedicated hashtag or private group to share their fitness progress and achievements on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, or LinkedIn. The challenge can be structured as a competitive or cooperative activity, with participants either competing for the most likes or working together to achieve a collective goal.
  • Benefits: Social media fitness campaigns promote accountability and motivation by encouraging participants to share their progress with others. They also provide a platform for team members to connect and engage with each other, regardless of location.
  • Success Tips: Encourage participants to share their progress regularly and to support and motivate each other through likes, comments, and positive feedback. Consider offering incentives or rewards for the most engaging posts or the most progress made.

Social media fitness campaigns are a creative and interactive way to promote fitness and team engagement among remote teams.

Community and Social Fitness Challenges

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Charity-Based Fitness Challenges

Charity-based fitness challenges are group fitness challenges where participants raise money for a charitable cause through physical activity. These challenges can include activities like runs, walks, or bike rides, and can be customized to suit the team’s fitness levels and preferences.

  • How It Works: Participants raise money for a charitable cause by completing a physical activity challenge, such as a 5K run, a 100-mile bike ride, or a month-long step challenge. The challenge can be structured as a competitive or cooperative activity, with participants either competing to raise the most money or working together to achieve a collective fundraising goal.
  • Benefits: Charity-based fitness challenges promote physical activity while also supporting a good cause. They also provide an opportunity for team members to connect and engage with each other while making a positive impact in the community.
  • Success Tips: Choose a charitable cause that resonates with the team and encourage participants to share their fundraising progress with others. Consider offering incentives or rewards for the most money raised or the most progress made.

Charity-based fitness challenges are a great way to promote fitness, team engagement, and social responsibility in the workplace.

Local Community Fitness Events

Local community fitness events are group fitness challenges where participants engage in physical activity as part of a larger community event. These events can include activities like charity runs, fitness festivals, or outdoor workout classes, and can be customized to suit the team’s fitness levels and preferences.

  • How It Works: Participants join a local community fitness event, such as a charity run, a fitness festival, or an outdoor workout class. The challenge can be structured as a competitive or cooperative activity, with participants either competing for the best time or working together to achieve a collective goal.
  • Benefits: Local community fitness events promote physical activity while also providing an opportunity for team members to connect and engage with others in their community. They also offer a platform for team members to showcase their fitness achievements and support a good cause.
  • Success Tips: Choose a local community fitness event that aligns with the team’s fitness levels and preferences. Encourage participants to support and motivate each other throughout the event and to share their progress with others.

Local community fitness events are a great way to promote fitness, team engagement, and community involvement in the workplace.

Online Fitness Communities and Challenges

Online fitness communities and challenges are group fitness challenges where participants join a virtual community of like-minded individuals who share similar fitness goals. These communities can include activities like daily workouts, fitness tips, or progress tracking, and can be customized to suit the team’s fitness levels and preferences.

  • How It Works: Participants join an online fitness community, such as a Facebook group, a fitness app, or a dedicated website, where they can share their fitness progress, participate in challenges, and connect with others. The challenge can be structured as a competitive or cooperative activity, with participants either competing for the most progress or working together to achieve a collective goal.
  • Benefits: Online fitness communities and challenges provide a supportive and motivating environment for participants to achieve their fitness goals. They also offer a platform for team members to connect and engage with others, regardless of location.
  • Success Tips: Encourage participants to share their progress regularly and to support and motivate each other through likes, comments, and positive feedback. Consider offering incentives or rewards for the most progress made or the most engaging posts.

Online fitness communities and challenges are a great way to promote fitness and team engagement among remote teams.


Group fitness challenges are an effective way to promote physical activity, mental wellness, and team engagement in the workplace. Whether your team is working in person or remotely, there are a variety of fitness challenges that can be customized to suit your team’s needs and goals. By setting clear objectives, selecting the right challenge, and utilizing technology and apps for engagement, you can create a successful and sustainable fitness challenge that benefits both individual participants and the team as a whole.

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